Hello, from John Taylor's proud daughter

Received this letter from Darrel Pace today, trying to help the following woman:


Good morning Marion,


I love the addition of the photo gallery to your website. It looks really great!


I had this request come in yesterday and I was wondering if you had this information since I do not. Can you help them?


Keep up the good work!




Darrell Pace






I'm not sure if you can help me. But I was looking for an insignia or symbol of a certain branch of army. It is for WW2 78th Infantry Division, 303rd Combat Engineering Batallion. My grandfather served and I was looking to get a tattoo of the branch he served under. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks so much,





Good morning Darrell and Kelly:


Am happy to assist and thanks for your kind words Darrell, regarding the new engineer photo gallery!


Here's some info on the 303rd and place to retrieve more info:


A link on my forum:

http://www.6thcorpscombatengineers.com/eng...ic=3552&hl= 303rd


Can put you in touch with another daughter (see same post)

Proud daughter of John H. Taylor, PFC, 1st Sq, 2nd Plt, Co. C, 303rd Combat Engineers, 78th Division - her email addy is: theshawvers@verizon.net


Another link on forum which mentions the 303rd

http://www.6thcorpscombatengineers.com/eng...ic=2668&hl= 303rd


Army Corps of Engineers - Office of History - Michael Brodhead or other historian. I am friends with Mike.




They were a HUGE help to me. Sent me a ton of info on my dad's unit!


Here's the 78th's website:








Attaching b&W images of the engineer crest. This is from a book of mine. Still looking for a color crest.


I will get back with you, if I find anything else.





Attached Files
.jpg   303rd_Engineer_Crest.jpg (Size: 213.59 KB / Downloads: 0)
Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Messages In This Thread
Hello, from John Taylor's proud daughter - by Walt's Daughter - 02-11-2009, 09:29 AM

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