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  Revamped site coming soon!
Posted by: PDP2020 - 07-22-2024, 10:43 PM - Forum: MARION'S NEWS n UPDATES n BABBLINGS... - No Replies

Hi everyone:

I'm busily working away on the revamped site for VI Corps, a huge project which will take a several months to complete due to the large amount of data collected over the years. The revamp will contain everything you see before you on the main site (www.6thcorpscombatengineers.com), but the formatting will be even more user and mobile friendly. One thing that will get the biggest overhaul is the Engineer Gallery, and I can't wait to share that with you. 

So, hold onto your hats and helmets, and thanks for your patience while we go through the changes.


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  Digital Version of No Bridge Too Far
Posted by: PDP2020 - 07-22-2024, 10:35 PM - Forum: MARION'S NEWS n UPDATES n BABBLINGS... - No Replies

Several years ago, I created a two-part documentary, No Bridge Too Far. At the time it was published, it was only available via Create Space/Amazon on DVD. When they no longer supplied DVD's online, it fell by the wayside. However, there's great news!  Beginning last week, the documentary is now available via an MP4 (video) file and can be downloaded here for $19.99.

All the best, Marion

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  Warren G Robinson 250 engineer company battalion
Posted by: R Eric - 07-11-2024, 12:24 PM - Forum: LOOKING FOR... - No Replies

Hello every body. 

I research some informations on this veteran Warren G Robinson who served in the 250th Engineer Combat Battalion. 

I have his garrison cap. 

I research this ww2 duty in Europe. 

Thanks for the help. 


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  Hello from Provence (8th NBB)
Posted by: Pierre.hacquard - 07-03-2024, 05:47 AM - Forum: Introduce Yourself! - No Replies

Hello everyone,

I'm Pierre from France. I’m a re-enactor and collector. I live in one of the towns where Allied troops landed in 1944 for Operation Dragoon: Saint-Raphael. 
Recently, I have become interested in the 8th naval beach battalion which participated in and supervised the landing in the Saint Raphael sector (Green, Blue, Yellow and Red beach). I already read the different topics on the forum about it. But the informations are rather concise. This is why I am calling on your help to have any information and photos in order to be as accurate as possible in my future reenactment of the unit and maybe writing of an article on this subject.

Thanks in advance and I'm happy to be part of the forum.



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  Carl F Huth Jr. Missing WWII Photo
Posted by: Natalie Z - 09-15-2023, 03:11 PM - Forum: LOOKING FOR... - No Replies

Carl F Huth Jr. (from Tiffin, Ohio) was Honorably Discharged as having served in the 2731st Engineer Light Equipment Company. He was enlisted in the US Army from 10/2/1942 to 11/11/1945 and served overseas from 7/16/1943 to 8/23/1945. Here is a photo of Carl F Huth Jr during WWII at what we believe to be Marseille, France (not sure - could be Germany or Austria as well). There is another photo of him on a scooter/motorcycle at this same location that was provided to us a few years back, but we no longer have access to it. We have looked everywhere for this second missing photo (of him on motorcycle/scooter) but can't find it. Not sure if anyone is familiar with this location, or has access to the other missing photo by chance? Fingers crossed!!! Thank you for any help you can provide. 

(2 photos attached, original photo and a colorized photo with Carl removed so the background is easier to identify)

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