This was forwarded to me from Al Kincer today. WWII vets please read!
FRENCH LEGION OF HONOR MEDAL: US veterans who helped in the liberation of France during World War II could be eligible to receive the French Legion of Honor Medal in the future. This medal was previously only issued to WWI Vets. The French Government has asked the Secretary of Veterans Affairs for assistance in identifying qualified US veterans for consideration in awarding this medal. It is not the responsibility of the Department of Veterans Affairs to select the veterans. VA only facilitates the communications with the veterans if necessary. The ten French consulates in the U.S. will have involvement in the distribution of the awards in 2005, 2006, etc. Those applying must have written documentation which is normally a copy of his/her military separation order, DD - 214, and other official orders which verifies their military history during combat. Members of the Army, Army Air Corps, Navy, and Coast Guard who participated in one of the four major campaigns in the liberation of France (Normandy, Southern France, Northern France and the Ardennes) are eligible for this French award. Any previous military awards such as the Congressional Medal of Honor, the Silver Star, the Bronze Star, the Purple Heart, etc. would indicate meritorious actions during combat operations. Copies of these documents should be forwarded with the request for consideration for the French Legion of Honor to the Defense Attache, Embassy of France, 4101 Reservoir Road, NW, Washington, DC 20007. These French medals must be approved by the Legion of Honor Committee in Paris, France after appropriate review. Approximately 100 French Legion of Honor medals will be awarded each year in the United States at the home of each veteran or at public ceremony during a patriotic holiday. These arrangements will be made after the awardees have been notified. Additional information can be provided by the French Defense Attache at (202) 944-6502 or FAX (202) 944-6538. [source: VHA Liaison Officer msg. 25 JUN 05]
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"