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Howdy gang:
While doing on-line research I happened upon a page from a filed newsletter published by the 1108th. All I can find thus far is this one page.
Wonder if anyone has the complete newsletter. Hmmmmmmm.
Anywho, here's the link:
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Bits and pieces of these are floating around. I imagine I may even have a few myself.
You wouldn't believe, (ya you would), how many documents and photos I have to upload yet. Probably hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of pages on the VI Corps vets. I simply don't have enough hours in the day to complete all the work I have to do yet. Little by little I am accomplishing this. Now if I could just clone myself... 
Thanks for publishing that. I just love those!
Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"
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You're most welocme.
The story about the mines rung home as my dad once told me that they had to destroy a pile of uncovered mines. His sarge asked him if he'd ever worked with explosives. My dad said, "No" The sarge then said, "You're from the coal fields of Pennsylvania, arent you?" My dad replied that he was but that he'd never handled explosives. The sarge said, "You're from the coal region and that's close enough."
So my dad rigged the pile to detonate. He said that he was standing in the middle of a dirt road when he fired the detonater and that the concussion from the blast knocked his helmet off and tumbled him down the road, end over end. My dad commented that he was lucky to be alive. Guess so. 
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I've just seen your post Larry. What a super Christmas present this is. Thank you so very much. 
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These unit newspapers are great! I have several dozen, but none for the 1108th. The 18th Engineer Regiment in WW1 had their unit newspapers bound into a hard cover book.