"FACING ARTHUR" A Documentary

Facing Arthur is a film about a unique friendship that is formed between a young German who's grandfather served in Hitler's army and a 100 year old Holocaust survivor named Arthur. I rented this film on Netflix recently and would recommend it to everyone. It is a very popular rental now, and I had to wait a while before receiving it. I doubt if many people are aware that there has been a program in Germany since the late 1950's which pairs young Germans with Holocaust survivors in order for them to learn about Jewish beliefs and customs. I certainly didn't know about it until seeing this film.


Jim :woof:


Sounds good. I have been meaning to enroll in that free month from Netflix that you sent me a while back but my DVD player is not hooked up. I got a new tv and it won't sit on top of it and I have no where else to put it. Ed said he would get some velcro (.. and you all thought rednecks used duck tape to fix everything!) and we just haven't got it done yet.




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