Bill Jasper - 312th Eng - 87th Inf Div

This was sent to me by none other than our pal James Hennessey of the 87th Inf Div. He forwarded this letter to me from a gentleman named, William (Bill) Jasper. Jim put me in touch with Bill today and he informed me:


Marion...Glad that you liked the story. We were in Company B, 312th Engr.© Bn, 87th Infantry Div.

It was a bit thoughtless of me to not mention that.

Please let me know if you receive this. I am having BIG computer trouble.

All the best to you and yours.

--Bill Jasper, known in these parts as Bill on the Hill


It's great to meet yet another engineer. Always DEE-lighted to hear their stories and comments. Enjoy the letter. Oh the other gentleman he refers to (John and Jim), is John McAuliffe, also of the 87th Inf Div. Hugs, M




John and Jim... Below is a birthday greeting from Remagne, Belgium. In early January, 1945, we (my squad of combat engineers) were in the Village of Remagne. I asked an 18-year-old girl, in French, if she had room for 13 men. She lived with her aged father. She gave us a fairly large room with a pot belly stove.


We stayed there for about a week, working mostly at nite. Her cousin would reconnoiter for us during the day and provide some excellent information, e.g. where road blocks were constructed which, of course, we would destroy. A couple of them were booby trapped, using U.S. 105 artillery shells. After the War I sent the young lady, Raymonda Simon, and her father several "care packages."


In 1963, on a trip around the world, I went back to the house and found that Raymonda got married and moved to another village. I went to see her and meet her husband (now deceased). Before leaving Remagne I found out that her brother and sister-in-law lived in the house next door. So I met them. Later those two moved to still another village, near Libramont. (Raymonda's brother also is now deceased.) Both husbands had been prisoners of the Germans for five years.


I have been back several times to visit all of the family members, eventually three generations. I held Raymonda's niece and nephew on my knees. Many years later I held their kids on my knees.


I happened to be there on my 70th birthday, and they had a nice party for me. All of us have a lot of photographic memories.


In December, 2004, I once again visited the family members. My son was with me, and he speaks fluent French. So we had an especially nice visit.


When I got home I received an e-mail message for Madam Marianne, a local school teacher in Remagne. The school adopted me, and we have had numerous communications during the last almost 2-1/2 years. At Christmas in 2005, they sent me large cardboard Christmas tree. It had a photo of the Madam and each of the children in the school. The tree hung from a series of six photos of scenes in Remagne. The photos on one side were in color, and on the other side of each photo was a black and white photo of the same scene, circa 1945. The school now has an American flag hanging in the classroom. For the record I will be 82 on June 3.


When my son and I were in Bastogne in December 2004, we met several new friends, and we continue to communicate with them via the Internet. I am sure that I will get at least three birthday cards this year from Remagne and other villages.


If you made it this far, I hope you got a kick out of this message.


One final comment. When I first met Raymonda's sister-in-law I drew an acorn on a piece of paper. She went to a drawer and pulled out a golden acorn shoulder patch. She said, "Souvenir, souvenir." She was nine years old in January, 1945.


You two have a good one. --Bill on the Hill


Be sure to look at the attachment. It is about the Sherman tank at McAuliffe Square. Hope it comes thru.




Subject: une pensée pour vous



En lisant le journal,une pensée pour vous.

Bien à vous et déjà bon anniversaire avec quelques jours d'avance.




madame Marianne &nbs p; école de Remagne &n bsp; (Belgique)


Attached Files
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Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

An email sent to Bill:


Subject: Antwort: Time in Plauen


Dear Bill,


Thank you very much for your reply and the interesting details. By the way I found in a book a picture from a GI in Plauen who supplied water to a young girl in a DP camp, may be it was you? �


We just work to make the event of the 65th anniversary of the liberation as interesting as possible. That's why we need to know as much as possible from you and your fellows who have been there at this time. We value very much your support about this!


I live in a small town besides Plauen the name is Pausa. As far as I know 312th Engineer Combat Battalion, was the unit which came first to our place. In the village before, "Thierbach" was also a small battle with some Germans which try to slow down your advancing. May be you remember some of these details?


A very important piece of history is the liberation of DPs which where mostly employed in arms production at the time, most of them under very bad conditions. The event next April will be a mix of real serious remembering as well also party for the local people. We will organize a convoy with some original Jeeps, Dodge and GMC Trucks and we will have a lot of friends who will wear authentic US Uniforms and equipment for this event.


I send you some picture from my Czech fellows from our last event this year in Pilsen. Believe me, you boys are not forgotten!


I would be happy to welcome and host you here in Germany. If you have the possibility and will, you are all welcome to us in April 2010 for the celebrations of the 65th anniversary !


The first Picture shows my Dodge Truck in front of the temporarily US headquarter for 75 days 1945 in Plauen!


kindest regards, Andreas


Andreas Br�uer, Kutschweg 27

07952 Pausa, Germany




Marion's note: sorry I do not have any photos to show. Just the email.

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

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