Yes, no one in Washington wanted to hear Patton's views about the Russians. Too bad they didn't pay any attention at all! Look what happened.
While we could not have afforded an all out war with Russia (that would have been a holy mess), they simply acquiesced. No backbone at all. Russia got her way in 1945. Old George KNEW what was coming. Hell he was well read and knew history inside and out. This was no surprise to him.
I was never one for conspiracy stories, but it sure stinks either way. It always breaks my heart to see Patton die that way every time I watch the movie.
Sarge I do have to agree with you that Patton would have been very popular with many in the states. If Patton HAD gone up against Ike, well... Oh man Washington would have had a fit. I can see it now.
One thing is for sure; while still a general, Washington DC still had reigns on him. But as a public citizen, they couldn't order him to cease and desist!
Thanks for all the input. Enjoyed reading your posts.
I'm dumb,, what does acquiesced mean, teacher?????? conehead rocky