photos from WWII

Received this from a friend of mine. She got this from a friend of hers.


Dear Friends and Subscribers,


This is a highly unusual request, but the person who sent it to me is someone who has been on my mailing list for a long time, and I know it's legitimate. I believe she is trying to do something very kind on behalf of her dear father, who died a month ago. Please read this ... the internet is an amazing tool for finding people, so it's possible by passing this along the folks she's searching for will be found. Thank you! God bless. Sue


Here is the note I received:


I am asking that you pass this email on to everyone on your email list. Perhaps it will help a family somewhere in the US.


My father had fifteen, eight by ten, black and white photos stored that no one in my family knew about. The photos are WWII soldiers. My siblings and I believe it was our father's intentions that one day he may contact the families of these soldiers and give them the photo of their loved one.


My father passed away last month and the photos were found among his personal possessions.


I have contacted the Veteran's Affairs and today I received a letter telling me unless I know the state these soldiers were from, there is no way the families can be located due to the amount of troops there were in WWII. They suggested using the Internet.


Listed below are the names of these soldiers.


My father, Frank S. Krolikowski,

nickname (The mad Polock),

went into the Army in December, 1942.


He took his basic training at Fort Sheridan, Illinois.

He served through November, 1945 and was released

at Camp Campbell, Kentucky.


He served in Rhineland, Central Europe.


He many times spoke of his "Army buddy, Herman."

There is a man by the name of Herman among these photos.


I believe there could be children of these soldiers or

grandchildren or a living relative.


I and my siblings would like to have the families

receive the photo of their loved one who served during WWII.


Or if the soldier is still living, I would like them to receive their photo.


Passing this email on may open the door

for finding these soldiers families.


If anyone knows anything about anyone listed

on the list below, please contact me by email.



List of Soldiers:


George Schroeder Sept. 1942


V.J. Parr Aug. 1943


George Harris July 1942 - July 1945


Dr. F.L. Mitlinos Sept. 1942 - Sept. 1943


Forrest J. Poole Sept. 1943


Joe Eule Aug. 1942 - Jan. 1945


Al Wish Aug. 1944


Harry "Abie" Levine Oct. 1942


Herman Weiner Nov. 1942- Oct. 1944


Harry Paskow Aug. 1941


Gordon J. Engelbrink Feb. 1944


C. J. "Olsen" Olszowski June 1942 - Aug. 1945


Albert Kamm Aug. 1942- - Dec. 1944


Wilford L. McHugh Feb. 1943


S.J. "Butch" Plas Oct. 1942



These dates and names are on the photos.




Thank you,

Sharon Bryant

Daughter of Frank S. Krolikowski

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

He took his basic training at Fort Sheridan, Illinois.

He served through November, 1945 and was released

at Camp Campbell, Kentucky.

He served in Rhineland, Central Europe.

I wonder when the photos were taken? If during basic training, then the soldiers might have been shipped out to different units as replacement troops. Or did they remain in the same unit?


I first checked the ABMC site for soldiers still buried overseas. Here is what they have. Of course, the name recorded on the photos is probably not their full name. So there are other soldiers out there with that name. It would help to know if they all entered service from same State.





George W. Schroeder - Private, U.S. Army

338th Infantry Regiment, 85th Infantry Division

Entered the Service from: Massachusetts

Died: 26-Sep-44

Buried at: Florence American Cemetery

Florence, Italy

Awards: Bronze Star, Purple Heart


Herman Weiner - Technician Fifth Class, U.S. Army

562nd Anti-Aircraft Arty (Automatic Weapons) Battalion

Entered the Service from: New York

Died: 31-Mar-45

Buried at: Netherlands American Cemetery

Margraten, Netherlands

Awards: Purple Heart


Herbert M. Levine - Sergeant, U.S. Army Air Forces

866th Bomber Squadron, 494th Bomber Group, Heavy

Entered the Service from: Massachusetts

Died: 9-Jul-45

Missing in Action or Buried at Sea

Tablets of the Missing at Manila American Cemetery

Manila, Philippines

Awards: Air Medal with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters


Harold B. Levine - First Lieutenant, U.S. Army Air Forces

756th Bomber Squadron, 459th Bomber Group, Heavy

Entered the Service from: New York

Died: 12-Dec-44

Buried at: Ardennes American Cemetery

Neupre, Belgium

Awards: Air Medal with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters


If you need some pics of graves at Margraten , Neupre , Henry La Chapelle....

Let me know .

Those places are in my backyard ...


Lennon .


Dear Sharon,


Herman Weiner was my uncle. He was born in 1920 in Massachusetts but grew up in New York City. He was married but had no children. As someone posted previously, he died on March 31, 1945 and is buried in Margraten, Netherlands. I was born soon after the war but heard about him from my mother and my aunt, who clearly still missed their baby brother even decades later. They said that he was riding in the back of a truck with other soldiers, returning from a Passover seder, when a German POW accidentally detonated a mine while working on the road. Herman was the only fatality (and if I remember my mother right, the only casualty). I was thrilled to find a reference from someone who knew him well and would love to have any pictures - you can scan and send them online if you prefer to keep the originals.


Thank you,


Brad Smith


Well, I guess we have to hope that either Sue (it was so long ago, I don't even remember her or know her last name) or Sharon, happen to fall upon this old post from 2006. As you stated Brad, her email address is no longer valid. Sigh! But you never know. That's the great thing about a forum, for people can stumble upon this at any time.


Oh, I realize that Sharon had placed her email address within the post, but I highly discourage this for it leads to spamming for that person. I always tell people to not place their email address anywhere on the net, where it can be seen in the open. Members can reach each other by posting or sending a PM (private message). If the reader is not a member, they can always contact me and have me get in touch with you.


Welcome to the forum and I hope something good comes from your post. :pdt12:

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Received this a while back and didn't even realize that the name Albert Kamm was listed in the above posts. Wow!


Dear Ms Marion,
My name is jacqueline Cook and I am doing this search for one of my clients, Jackie Lipton( nee Finder). She was married to Albert Kamm Back in 1943 and then he died overseas about 1944. If you have any letters, photos, or information about him it would be wonderful. His family destroyed all the letters he sent to her during the war so she has only her memories. She was married in Denver but his family was from New York and she lived there while he was deployed. She knew he lived his last days in an iron lung so not sure if he contracted an illness or if it was from an injury. She believes that he would have sent her a letter if he could because they were deeply in love.
That is all I know so anything you may know about him or the unit he was attached to would maybe give her some peace.
Hope this gets to you and thank you for posting this.
Jackie Cook



Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Looks like several people have tried to contact Sharon and no one can get in touch with her. SHARON, if you are reading this, please get in touch with us.

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Hello Marion,


I tracked down Sharon Bryant Krolikowski via Face Book and spoke to her this evening! She will look to see if she still has her father’s photos to send to any surviving relatives. She gave me permission to release her contact info and said you can call her or find her on Face Book under Sharon Bryant. She lives in Alabama and her number is XXXXX (blanked for privacy).

She made a promise to her dad to find the families of these vets so maybe between all of us there will be some closure. I hope she finds the photos of Albert Kamm Back so I can deliver this long awaited treasure to his widow.

Let me know what you find.

Best regards,


Jackie Cook


I wrote to Jackie yesterday and we are already making progress. Love when it starts coming together!

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

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