Merchant Marine

Received a very nice phone call from Dan this afternoon. He called to compliment me on the VI Corps site and especially the music. We talked about 15 minutes and he then sent me the following info. Please take a look at their site.






Nice chatting with you just a few minutes ago. Sent you the World War II

Discussion List <WWII-L@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU> where your music was

mentioned - Spike Jones was one of my favorite entertainers - saw his

stage show just after WWII - never laughed so much from the opening

curtain which was many hotel towels.


How did the VI Corps Combat Engineers get to where they served with all

they needed - fuel, ammunition, weapons, food, mail, etc., etc., etc.


Check out - American Merchant Marine at War - - for all

wars with focus on WWII.


We need your - all your - help - please go to ---- and help us with cosponsors of your

Senators and Members of Congress - have them check out mini history of

the WWII Merchant Marine and reasons to support H.R. 23 and S. 1272 at


Thanks for the music and entertainers -

See Bob Hope's Christmas 1944 Broadcast to the U.S. Merchant Marine

Everywhere -


How did you do the music? to make it small enough -- what programs did

you use?


Dan Horodysky,

Communications Director, American Merchant Marine Veterans

American Merchant Marine at War -

POB 2361, Berkeley, CA 94702-0361

telephone 510-540-8472 (Pacific Coast Time)



The Canadians recently issued a Battle of the Atlantic stamp. They know their history.


The most critical battle of World War II was the Battle of the Atlantic. That battle insured the supply to Great Britain and our Allies, the Normandy invasion, and eventual end of the war. If that failed the planned German invasion of Great Britain may have happened AND there would have been no D-Day.


If that Battle failed, there would have been no United States of America.


"But once the war was won, what the bureaucrats in Washington did to the

merchant mariners was reprehensible. They treated them like second-class

citizens, and worse." "Battle For The Atlantic: America's Forgotten Heroes," American History, Nov./Dec. 1993


If it were not for the USMM we could very well be eating "ersatz bratwurst with chopsticks."


Dan Horodysky

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Here's a page related to WWII on the site and gives stats and the critical role they played in the war effort.

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

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