Military Magazine looking for true stories from veterans

Military Magazine is looking for submissions for their monthly publication.


Submission guidelines


These guidelines are not intended to restrict a writer, but to provide a few basic considerations.


Military is published monthly. It is the intention of the publisher that the publication serve as a record of military history as written by the individuals who experienced it. Their stories best chronicle the way it really was.


Each month four or five stories will be published. Material about all services (Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines, Merchant Marines and Navy) is welcome. Every issue also has column space for readers to voice their opinions and thoughts (Guest Commentary, Letters to the Editor and Sound Off).


Military offers military-related books for review and readers are encouraged to request books offered in return for submitting a book review. The writer should provide a little personal background or reason they are qualified to review a specific book.


This additional information applies with respect to submissions.

  • All stories must be non-fiction.

  • Only material of a military nature that deals with U.S. Forces in WWII, the Cold War, the Korean War, the Viet-Nam War, the Gulf War and peacetime during those periods is considered. (Current situations are also given consideration).

  • Short items, about 150-300 words, stand an excellent chance of being used as fillers.

  • Typed submissions. We can also accept electronic files either sent by e-mail to or on a CD (in either a Macintosh format, or an IBM format converted to an ASCII text file; send two files: the original document and also an ASCII text file). There is a technical advantage to submitting copy electronically, but a hard copy of any article should also be sent along with original prints or slides. Please label your CD using a permanent marker and not an adhesive label (which can throw the CD out of balance). Always include your full name, mailing address, phone number and, if available, e-mail address in case we need to contact you.

  • Photos — Please send ORIGINAL photos, black-and-white or color, in any size, as well as slides. Color photocopies of pictures cannot be accepted. We can also accept digital photos sent by e-mail or saved on a CD if the pictures are sharp enough. To ensure that they are sharp enough, they should be scanned at 300 dpi, and a minimum size of 4×5 (1280 x 960 pixels). Save them as a .jpg (medium compression) or tiff. With any pictures, please INCLUDE CAPTIONS on a separate sheet, identifying the image. Captions should be written as complete sentences and, if possible, indicate approximately where the picture was taken. We take great care in handing your photos and will return all photos submitted after publication, unless requested otherwise.

Note: Military does not pay for material published. We feel our writers write for the benefit of other readers, therefore, Military only prints submissions from subscribers. We do not take responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts or photos. Please do not send your only copy.

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

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