Larry, dear forum member "SonofMp" has passed away

Dear Todd and Jean


Yes, it is still hard to believe. Larry still had so much to give and as Jean said to me, no one will be able to fill his shoes. I am still numb this morning. Had a few drinks last night in his honor. Got home early, went to bed early and woke up early, so here I am.


I am getting his wife's address, so anyone who would like to send a card, can. I will share it in private with those who ask.


I don't know what else to say right now, but it sure makes you think, doesn't it? But I wanted to thank both of you for posting. It means a lot to me. I know it means a lot to his wife and it means a lot to Larry.

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Messages In This Thread
Larry, dear forum member "SonofMp" has passed away - by Walt's Daughter - 01-22-2014, 06:36 AM

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