Or as it is know commonly in Japan (according to Wikipedia) "memorial day for the end of the war" (終戦記念日, Shūsen-kinenbi); the official name for the day, however, is "the day for mourning of war dead and praying for peace" (戦歿者を追悼し平和を祈念する日, Senbotsusha wo tsuitōshi heiwa wo kinensuru hi). This is observed on the 15th in Japan and 14th in the US due to the time difference.
At 0904 on the 15th (just over 67 years and 2 hours ago for me as I write this) the first signature was affixed to the surrender document by Japanese foreign minister Mamoru Shigemitsu the others followed shortly thereafter.
The surrender delegation
The famous picture of the victory flyover
This is an interesting shot I had never seen before yesterday. From Wikipedia:Taken during the Japanese Surrender Ceremony by Ted H. Lambert, from his B-29.