XIXth Corps, Ninth Army, ETO

I wrote my Ph.D thesis focusing upon the 978th Engineer Matienance Compay. It was attached to the 1104th and 1115th Engineer © Groups, XIXth Corps, Ninth Army. It arrived in the conmbat zone on 5 November 1944. It provided maintenance support for all units in the XIXth Corps from then through the race to the Elbe. The Company suffered NBC.


I am always looking for people who seved in outfits as part of the XIXth Corps during this period. I am especially intersted in contacting anyone who particiapted in the attacks on Mariagrube/Mariadorf Germany on 16 November 1944...in any capacity. Also looking for peole who were involved in the Roer River Assualt in February 1945 in the XIXth Corps area.




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