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Maybe some of you would like to see actual photos from my days in WWII
Click on - Pictures of Normandy 1944-Now
Next Click on - Shocking Photos of Normandy from D-Day and Today | WebUrbanist
Under 2nd Photo Click on - ‘Normandy 1944 – Then and Now’,
Down in right hand corner click on Suivant to get more photos
(Suivant is French for "Following") (Fin is French for Finish)
I submit it was no walk in the park(LOL)
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Thank you for the link, Sgtleo! "No walk in the park," indeed.
I haven't had time to look at them all, but I will. Just took a quick look, it's at once horrifying to see all of the destruction and amazing to see some of those same sites as they are today.
(I keep hoping I'll stumble across my father is some of these photos one of these days.)
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My Bad as my grandsons say!!
I should have said that those Americans were from the 4th ID and the 101 AB Div.
The other men were either Brits or Canadians and the units were not named.
I hesitated to post this but it did happen - war does crazy things to people:-
Here’s the sidebar to those stories that they don’t like to speak of:-
Audouville La Hubert was the scene of a murder of disarmed German POWs by American paratroopers. Shortly after the capture of Sainte Marie d'Eglise 30 Wehrmacht soldiers were captured and shot by US paratroopers believed to be the work of 101st Airborne Division. This is something we should be ashamed of!!
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Joined: Aug 2006
Thank you for the link, Sgtleo! "No walk in the park," indeed.
I haven't had time to look at them all, but I will. Just took a quick look, it's at once horrifying to see all of the destruction and amazing to see some of those same sites as they are today.
(I keep hoping I'll stumble across my father is some of these photos one of these days.)
My Bad as my grandsons say!!
I should have said that those Americans were from the 4th ID and the 101 AB Div.
The other men were either Brits or Canadians and the units were not named.
I hesitated to post this but it did happen - war does crazy things to people:-
Here’s the sidebar to those stories that they don’t like to speak of:-
Audouville La Hubert was the scene of a murder of disarmed German POWs by American paratroopers. Shortly after the capture of Sainte Marie d'Eglise 30 Wehrmacht soldiers were captured and shot by US paratroopers believed to be the work of 101st Airborne Division. This is something we should be ashamed of!!
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Thanks for another great post Sarge. Always look forward to another set of before and afters. 
Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"
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Great link Sgtleo
I saw in the nowadays photos that the photographer is Patrick Elie he has an own webside there you can find many more photos and information about D-Day.
Here's the link
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Joined: Jan 2006
Great link Sgtleo
I saw in the nowadays photos that the photographer is Patrick Elie he has an own webside there you can find many more photos and information about D-Day.
Here's the link
Reminds me of Mt. Pantano,Monte Cassino, Anzio,Po Valley,etc.etc.