reunited 64 years later...

This is a very heartwarming story for all to read. The following correspondence was sent to me, along with Al Panebianco's letter to me. Wow, anything is possible. :armata_PDT_37:



Dear Marion:


Another exciting and happy surprise from a combat buddy that I have not heard from for 64 years. I am overjoyed both of us are still around and able to communicate. My website has brought me many moments of joy and happiness. Can you believe, after 64 years, Smalley found me. I hope we will be able to get together again. Thought you would be interested in my interesting story.


Best wishes,


Al Panebianco



Hi Al,


This is Chet Small. My daughter and I sat down at the computer and I was amazed to find so much information on the 45th.


I was a radio operator and communication Sargent for K company...the same as you. We read your lengthy and thorough account of your experiences from Smalley


The ship SS US General MANN to the experience at Repetsweiller...where I also got hit...It brought back many memories..


I remember you, Al...and you will probably remember me...they called me "Smalley"


I never heard what happened to any of our company...I was sent to a hospital in Frankfort...I reentered the 45th ...and ended up in the Dachau liberation.


We went through alot together, Didn't we?


Wouldn't it be great to see each other or talk at least...


I turned 92 years young last April...I guess we have both made it this far....!


Please get in touch if this finds you.


Over and out.



Chester W. Small




Hi Smalley:


Indeed a pleasure hearing from you. What a surprise. For the longest time, I tried to get in touch with you, without success. After 64 years, we are in contact with each other.


At Reipertswiller, 5 rifle companies and 1 Heavy Weapons company were captured, including Company “K”. Thought you would like to know the 157th Regiment is still holding their annual reunion. I just returned from one which was held at Gettysburg, PA on 9/4 to 9/8/2009. Everyone had a great time.


God bless you on attaining the age of 92. I will reach 87 comes December. Tina, my wife, and I are getting ready for church. I will phone or email you again soon. Take care and do not wait so long (64 years) to keep in touch.


Best wishes and have a great day.


Al Panebianco


SURE SOUNDS LIKE, "WILLIE AND JOE" AGAIN REMEET, I think Bill Mauldin just said HI!!!!


Messages In This Thread
reunited 64 years later... - by Walt's Daughter - 09-21-2009, 09:14 AM
reunited 64 years later... - by roque_riojas - 09-21-2009, 10:37 AM

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