Obama plans to make vets bill their OWN insurance

Mac sent this! Hip-hip-hooray!



: We WON! Thanks to YOU!



Subject: We WON! Thanks to YOU!



Good Morning Americans! This is a much better morning in America.

Late yesterday afternoon, after suffering through a long day of "overwhelmed switchboard syndrome", the Obama White House announced it was dropping it's plan to bill private health insurance companies for Veterans' care.




To each of you who took time to read the blog, and make a call or send an e-mail, please accept my deepest and most humble thanks - on behalf of every living veteran.

Together with tens of thousands across the land - you made a difference. You made a group of arrogant socialist elitists change their tune and back down. It is remarkable that it only took a day. Your efforts pierced the contrived smoke-screen of the AIG bonuses! I had reports back all day of people being on hold up to 15 minutes at the WH, and 10 minutes at General Shinseki's office. People at both places were clearly on edge and upset.


And while this tactic might seem a tad harsh, - the goons we needed to reach are generally the most unfeeling and aloof narcissists you will ever meet. They don’t care a hoot about veterans, - or about you either for that matter. To these elitists, our veterans and soldiers are mere political pawns, - and this chess game is about socialized medicine. So they needed to see their secretaries and switchboard operators getting pelted. They needed to get the dirty looks those folks were giving them.


So we won a small but important victory – by working together. Your e-mail – your call – that time you spent on hold - was enough to change history yesterday. Feels mighty good, doesn’t it!?!

But Folks, this is far from over. These socialist Trojan Horses are fanatics. They’ve spent most of their lives dreaming about turning our country socialist. They’ll learn from this, - and they will try another ploy. Please stay on guard, stay alert, and be ready to act again. And enlist some family and friends. Put together your own action network. The next battle in this campaign may be a bit tougher. But now you’ve seen that we can win! And now Mr. and Mrs. Obama know that they can lose.

God blessed our Young Republic Wednesday. Please take time to thank Him!


Thank you again!

/s/ Iron Mike

Old Soldier, - Still Good for Parts!

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Messages In This Thread
Obama plans to make vets bill their OWN insurance - by Walt's Daughter - 03-19-2009, 11:10 AM

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