So right M1! We can no longer just sit back and complain - not anymore, not with what's happening in our country. Fortunately there seem to be lots of new citizen efforts to fight back - like "The Great American Teaparty" Click on the right to see the latest Kansas City "tea party" & every day Americans (not politicians or moonbats) speaking up.
Also - "The 912 Project". I LOVE this idea with "meetup groups" starting all over the country. Organized around the need for America to return to Her founding principles & values. Here's a news article about it . I really enjoyed reading people's comments at the bottom of the page.
I like the 9 principles and the 12 values sound to me to be the values of the "greatest generation": honesty, reverence, hope, thrift, humility, charity, sincerity, moderation, hard work, courage, personal responsibility, and gratitude.