SSgt Roy L. Booher - WE DID IT!!! - We found him

Well. Tomorrow we will put the new monument on it's place. It's awesome but I won't share some pictures yet. Please be patient untill Monday after the inauguration. Everything worked. We have found fundraisers (a lot of people from the village) and the monument is ready.

I am really looking forward to this weekend. Saturday there is some kind of memorial walk wwith reenactors, an airfield for a piper, roadblocks and things like that. On Sunday there is a convoy. At the start of the convoy there will be a fly-over from a p-51 Mustang. About 10 veterans of the Old Hickory will attend the convoy and the inauguration of the monument.After the inauguration there is time to have a view at the vehicles and there is a chance to get some food and a drink (or 2 ;))






My special thanks to those who donated money for the monument!!!


Messages In This Thread
SSgt Roy L. Booher - WE DID IT!!! - We found him - by Frank Gubbels - 09-10-2008, 05:51 PM
SSgt Roy L. Booher - WE DID IT!!! - We found him - by Frank Gubbels - 09-02-2009, 03:54 AM

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