Those SS B*******S

Seems to me like these folks would be the kind to actually do it if the government asked; the kind of folks that could have ended up as the willing executioners of the Third Reich. As a historical note, not all SS men were murderous thugs as depicted by your loony opponents. With that being said, I certainly don't suggest it didn't happen, or that it we did it (shooting prisoners) as much as they did (88 GI's in the field at Malmedy would testify otherwise.) The fact that that is the sort of thing they wish to reenact, however, is screwed up in the head to put it nicely. Somebody's got to play the bad guy, and the playing an elite unit like the Waffen SS I'm sure is a draw, but reenacting war crimes not what reenacting is about. That's just plain Jacked Up!!

I would be with you in the banning of groups that exhibit this sort of behavior.


Speaking of the Malmedy Massacre, has anyone else seen Saints and Soldiers? Great flick and not your typical Hollywood flick. One of the main characters is extremely religious and he is not made to look foolish and his faith actually becomes the way they survive their experience. Check it out!

Maj Todd O. USMC, Retired
Grandson of LTC John O'Brien

Messages In This Thread
Those SS B*******S - by moose - 04-29-2008, 05:33 PM
Those SS B*******S - by CaptO - 04-29-2008, 08:38 PM
Those SS B*******S - by sappered - 04-30-2008, 09:34 AM
Those SS B*******S - by Walt's Daughter - 04-30-2008, 11:31 AM

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