Getting the medals you deserved!

How to Get Your Medals

They will provide the medals for free, however, can be a long process and you may have to wait several weeks or more to receive the medals, once you send them the application.


However, if you KNOW which medals your loved one should have, you can also buy replacements for a small sum of money. Here's one of the sites that provides such services:


My Military Medals

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Here is how you fill out form 180 to get medals



Form 180


Print this page of instructions


Click above address and scroll down to REGUEST MILITARY RECORDS and click it


Click Continue ( step 1 to 4)

Do steps 1 to 3 as needed

Click Continue

Do steps 4 to 8 as needed (step 7 click “Military/Awards)

Click Continue

Do all this page(use- or / as shown)

Click Continue

Type comment box “Would like all medals & Ribbons Earnedâ€

Click Continue

Do all this page ( send to )

Click Continue

Click Continue (verifation )

Click Print

Click Print

Sign and mail form to address shown



papa Art


I just got hold of copies of my dads ww1 and ww2 discharges along with my ww2 discharge and my brothers ww 2 discharge from the County Hall of Records where they

were recorded. Dads ww 1 discharge was quite interesting showing he recieved 9 wounds. I only knew of the bad one. Is a reissue of his ww 1 medals possible ?? And

from St. Louis? Also putting in for a reissue of his ww 2 medals. I also believe he served in the Meixican border war having enlisted in 1914 and believe he spoke of it.

I believe a medal was also authorized for this conflict but not sure. Any ideas will be

greatly appreciated on this matter. I realize I should have gotten more information while he was still alive about his service, but we all put it off too long. He served from 1914 to 1920 and 1942 to 1945.


Yes, I am sure you can get WWI medals reissued too, as long as you have the discharge papers, which you do. It's worth a shot to contact NARA in St Louis, but don't get your hopes up. It could take quite a while too.


I will see what I can find out about the medal for you. No promises but I will do my best.


Good luck!

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

While "bumper stickers" are nice for everyone, N.J. authorized liscence plates with

the C.I.B (no charge) for anyone awarded the C.I.B.. Proof on discharge papers is

needed. Yea, mine is from ww 2. Not many such plates around here.


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.jpg   cibplates.jpg (Size: 28.38 KB / Downloads: 1)

Now that's a beauty. Did you see the one I have? I don't have it on the car yet (what in the heck is she waiting for???), but here it is. Custom made!


Attached Files
.jpg   licensePlateFrame.jpg (Size: 29.71 KB / Downloads: 1)
Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Not bad, pal! :) Congratulations! What a pity the other states don't do this as well.




New Jersey has had this for many years. (at least 6 years or better), since my wife found out and sent in my discharge copy and surprised me with the plates. also several

years ago N.J. also put out a combat award for those who qualified. I did not go to recieve it due to health ETC., I told them to send it if they wished. Which they did.

Seems like it was the least they could do as N.J. did not give out a ww2 bonus as many

states did..


How nice of your wife to surprise you like that! :heartpump: And glad to hear that NJ finally did something for it's WWII vets. I guess better late than never huh?

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

I have a friend whos dad served in WW 2 during the war in ETO. About 40 days after

wars end in ETO he was shipped back to the U.S. Can anyone give the Regulations

for being awarded the WW 2 Occupation medal and the time one had to serve in Germany after May 9 '45 for this medal. Preferably the Reg. # and the time period.

So far I have seen, "no time needed", "30 days", and " 90 days". Cant find anything

with the Army Regs as to time needed for award. Thank you


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