Donald Trump

In 1995 there was a parade in NYC,

marking the 50th Anniversary of the end of WW2. Due to the lack of


sponors,this parade faced cancellation.

One man stepped forward to ensure tihis

parade became a reality. That man was

Donald Trump.WW2 vets were grateful

for this. So Mr. Trump keep flying

the American Flag on your property

in Florida.

Grateful WW2 Veteran

Jim Hennessey

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

He may have bad hair and trades his wife in every few years on a new model, but he isn't such a bad guy, eh?






This is my 4th attempt to get my message across. So I am going at it BASSACKWARDS.

This has to do with peoples indifference to vets parades.

Remember when the GI's came home. They were paraded down Broadway with confetti in the air and thousands cheering. What a smart looking bunch of heros they were.


Now go to 1995 and see them marching down the street. What is this; These guys are old,fat and hardly able to keep cadence. why do I waste my time coming to these stupid parades anyway.

Now it's 2007 and Papa Art and I are eating lunch with a guy we have known for years as a fellow worker at Friden , Singer, And lastly TRW. He is the most likable, easy going guy you could ever hope to meet. NEVER raised his voice in anger. could this be the same guy who as a kid,inlisted in the paratroops, jumped into Germany. Was discharged back to civy life. when trouble broke out in Korea, he reinlisted and jumped into Korea. On a patrol, surrounded and his squad leader killed, he took charge. Twice wounded, he kept his buddies together and fought off the enemy. with one of the wounded on his back, he led the squad up, over, and down a mountain to their own lines.


Sitting there across from him, I wondered how this old over weight, man who can only walk with dificulty, could be the same man who was awarded these two awards you see below. But; I know the whole story


Thanks Mare, Thanks Brooke, for letting us know about THE DONALD. He stands quite a bit taller in my eyes. Almost as tall as Ray.




click on below


Attached Files
.pdf   medals_for_BRAVERY.pdf (Size: 328.53 KB / Downloads: 0)

I'd love to meet Ray. Any way you could talk him in to getting a computer? :unsure:





I marched in that parade

amongst the 101st Airborne

contingment,needless to say

I carried the flag of the

Golden Acorn -87th Inf, Div.

Donald Trump was there to

see us off at the line of

departure.It was quite a

thrill and honor for me,

as i thought of the vets

who could not be there.God Bless Them or deceased.

JIm Hennessey-87th



Brooke; I can't recount the number of times I have asked Ray when he was going to get the spare computer his sister said he coild have. He just says that he will when he has time. With his travels to reunions and writing to diferent organizations, it would make it much easier than by paper mail.


You know; The message I posted above isn't the whole of it. Originally Ray was up for the M.O.H. but it was bumped down to the "STAR". I have my own suspicians why,but I'll keep that to myself.


The photo below will quiet any rumors of a put on.

At the bottom is his card when he was director of his chapter. Calls or letters he would love to get.


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.jpg   awards_and_calling_card.jpg (Size: 285.45 KB / Downloads: 0)

I quess everyone has there opinions on parades or even welcoming committies. When the 34th Divn. came home there were no welcoming or speach making people to greet the 34th. From the boat straight to the camp. Discharged and went home. My welcome was one man walking down the street towards me, just said glad you are back. Parades in K.C. Mo. are nice, Kinda wish we had a Mr. Trump here. Yes my hats off to him. Rocky,


Roque: Yea, know just how you felt. No greeting band, no doughnuts and coffee. We

who came home and left our Division over there as "single survivors" had no true greetings. Did not really expect it and did not let it bother me. I was HOME, and that is what counted most. Just picked up my life and went on with it like most of us did.. We did our job, got "paid " for it and went about another life. No regrets really.


Roque: Yea, know just how you felt. No greeting band, no doughnuts and coffee. We

who came home and left our Division over there as "single survivors" had no true greetings. Did not really expect it and did not let it bother me. I was HOME, and that is what counted most. Just picked up my life and went on with it like most of us did.. We did our job, got "paid " for it and went about another life. No regrets really.

HI JOE !!! Just ONE WORD, AMEN!!!!! Roque :pdt34::pdt34:


Well, Chuck you can add my name to the list to petition Ray to get online. I think he would enjoy it and we would all appreciate his company.


Just last week Art had him sign my "Korea's Heroes" book. He said that his friend Rudy Hernandez, MOH recipient was not in the book.




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