
My tray was just a mess kit and a spoon, so what do the trays look like?

The spoon was for C-Rations that we opened with a p-38. Rocky--------j

Hello Rocky!! It's a lunch tray, like you use in the cafeteria with the little separate compartments so your bean juice doesn't run into your mashed potatoes ;) .


The guy said he bought them from a church a few years ago and they used them for various dinners and such.




Here's trays going for $17.99 each Brooke. 1944-1945




Hey, I like this site, Marion. Check out this cute little medical bag.




Oooo, you are right, that is CUTE. God forgive us for calling ARMY items cute. Man, the guys will probably disown us. Shhh, know one heard that.... :frown:

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Check out this cute little medical bag.

Cute? You could cut two holes in the bottom and use them as shorts.



Hey Roque: Got to agree with you. Last tray I saw was on he troopship (Queen Mary)

going overseas. Just messkits and many times just a spoon carried in my boot top.

Never had to cut C or K rations in a can. The (p-38) can opener was usually carried

on my dog tag chain just in case the neglected to add it..




The guy on ebay says he wil throw in a recipe for chipped beef. That alone ought to be worth the selling price.


The guy on ebay says he wil throw in a recipe for chipped beef. That alone ought to be worth the selling price.

lol!! I missed that little tidbit.


Hey Roque: Got to agree with you. Last tray I saw was on he troopship (Queen Mary)

going overseas. Just messkits and many times just a spoon carried in my boot top.

Never had to cut C or K rations in a can. The (p-38) can opener was usually carried

on my dog tag chain just in case the neglected to add it..

Joe, you got that right, I forgot , them things we used going to No. Africa.

How long did it take you to get there. It took us 14 days, on a zig zag course

with the navy dropping depth charges, what a sight watching the water come

up like a geyser. And we did carry the p-38 on our dog tags. Hey Joe, what

about t/paper!! in our helmet liner and at night on the back of our helmets held by

the strap so the guy behind you could see you. Bring back memories Joe?

War was hell and still is. Roque


Custerman; You beat me to the punch. When Brooke showed that first picture, the first thing that came to mindwas, that looks like a pair of jogging shorts.




WHOA; What's going on here?. I was on another topic in "Shooting the breeze", and end up with my reply posting here. Looks like someones puter just HICCUPED.


Oh Ho!! I see now. Our leader moved Brooke's post from "Breeze" over to "WWII"' , and I didn't catch it




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