New.. Dad was in ACE in Burma/India

Hello to everyone! What a wonderful find this site is. :pdt34:

I have had so many questions about what my dad did. As a kid I would ask him and all I got was I rebuilt bridges that got blown up and played with water buffaloes. I only have one picture of him sitting on a log with a water buffalo behind him. I never got any more info until just recently from my ex-father in law who was in the Coast Guard at that time. He ask me where my dad was and when I told him Burma/India, his head snapped up, looked me straight in the eye and said.. "Girl, you have no idea what he went through. He was in the worst of the worst. He has my undying respect." That is all he would say. It put my father in a whole new light and I would love to more about this man I thought I knew as a hard working, quiet business man who loved to watch sports in his arm chair and never raised his voice. He was a loving father and devoted husband. I just wish I knew more.

I have put in a call to the ACE chief historian to return my call to see if I might be able to find out what group he was attached to. If anyone out there knows anything about James Marvin Woolf, Army Corp of Engineers in Burma/India, I think around 1940-44 I would love to hear from you.

Thanks to Marion for such a wonderful site and all the work you have done to keep the memories alive.

My love and heartfelt respect to out to all of you who kept this a safe world to grow up in. :heartpump:


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New.. Dad was in ACE in Burma/India - by mrsdementedlvr - 08-15-2006, 01:50 PM

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