VT 83 Torpedo Squadron

A new friend is trying conducting research, and is hoping to not only find information, but getting in touch with any remaining members of her father's unit. If you or one of your loved ones served with Diane's father, please get in touch with me.




What I have found is that Dad’s File or Service number is 112005 and he finally was promoted to a Commander while in the reserve. During the war he belonged to the VT-83 Torpedo Squadron, the latest data recorded was September 5, 1945.At that time, I believe he was a Lieutenant, soon to be promoted to a Lt. Commander He served in the reserves for years.


Does this help?


The names of the men he served with from a NATC Training Memorandum dated 4 August 1943 from the Naval Air Training Center in Corpus Christi, Texas are:


Lt. P.E. Stanley, Lt. J.G. Smith, Lt. (jg) Gibson, Lt. (jg) H. B. Grant, Lt. (jg) A. J. Skidmore, LSt. (jg) E.A. Weed, Capt. R.W. Vaupell, Lt. E. Bitke, Lt. A.B. Sanders, LSt. M.K. Burton, LSt. (jg) W. E. Kline, :t. N.E. Williams, Comdr. W.I. King, Lt. W. M. Hays, Lt. L. B. Harmon


A paper signed by E.O McDonnell Captain, USN Chief of Staff


That is what I have for the moment. Please tell me what kind of papers I should be looking for.


It would be wonderful if some of these men were still alive so I could find more out about my father at that time. Sigh, he died at the age of 82, few of these men will still be alive, I fear….


Perhaps their children were able to write about them elsewheres. Have you come across that?


Thank you so much for offering to help.




Diane Beeson



Here's some pages for you Diane:










Unfortunately the gentleman who authored the above website is now deceased.



Here's a site on the USS Essex.




If you scroll down, you will see an image (amongst many) of " Poor quality photo of a VT-83 TBM heading for a water landing after having most of its tail shot away, early-mid 1945. Tough bird!"



This forum topic brings up VT 83. See post dated July 1, 2008 by R Leonard:





My husband's forte is the Pacific war, and he told me to tell you the Essex was considered the cream of the crop. Here's more info on Essex-class ships:





This page says to contact them for further information on the units listed within. Your dad's squadron IS listed, so email them at wwiihistorycenter@att.net

VT-83 - resource #32


Let me know what you discover.



Diane - see this page (with photo) and read further down the comments made by David:




David Stubblebine says:

1 May 2008 12:57:21 PM


These TBM-3's were part of VT-83 and

the SB2-C's were with VB-83, flying off the USS Essex (CV-9) [TF-38.3]



Well Diane, this should be a good start. I will keep digging. All the best,




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Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Diane wrote:




How fortunate I am to have mentioned my needs to John! Your forum is very professional and I am quite grateful for your posting. It, indeed, would give you a sense of accomplishment to help veterans contact each other after so many years.




Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"





Thank you sooo much!!!! This indeed will give me a start. Hopefully I can find what I need. If I am aware of what else I need, I will write!!




Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

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