Well, so much to say. You were one of our very first members and it's an absolute pleasure having you here. It was also my pleasure to get to meet you in person at the 36thh Engineer reunion in PA too. What a treat that was.
I hope you have an absolutely wonderful day, filled with sunshine, friends and family!
Much love, M1

Marion this reply is tinged with sadness knowing we wont be meeting this year, but I thank you for the kind words. You and fellow 36th people including veterans, families and friends have become part of my life now and I thank you all for the kindness you have shown me.
Thank you for this greeting and the "Classy" card Marion, you are very special .
Much love and hugs back to you.
Colin, it seems I missed your birthday but I have a pretty good excuse as I was hanging around in the Australian Outback at the time! (Pictures to follow.) Anyway, I hope you had a great birthday!