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Incorrect answer Vee

Nobody??? :( It's a real easy one.

lieutenant-colonel Benjamin H. Vandervoort ????


Vee -_-

No, but you're a little bit closer. This person is very famous ... think about that :)

No clue in Albany. Gotta go to a Cub Scout camp out so can't figure it out!

I will try to give you a clue:

He passed away in 1965

Colonel Robert Sink ?


Vee :)

Colonel Robert Sink ?


Vee :)


Ladies and Gentleman we have a winner :D


Up to you Vee!

It will be an easy one for our Major !! . Finally I think .


But may be that it needs an clue :lol:


Vee ;)


At first I was thinking Colonel Peter Julien Ortiz but I don't think that is right.

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