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Too easy! Claus Von Stauffenberg




Now cometh my revenge!!!!



I am very very scared !!


Vee :armata_PDT_23:

Todd ,


Not really easy ! You do have not put picture !


Vee ;)

That's true Todd. Now I can't see your picture ;)

As I say, I am having issues at work!

William Charlie Horton !!


I found on this link ,


Vee ;)

Yeah, I knew "Medal of Honor" "Boxer Rebellion" "Marine" would make a quick Google search. In the days of encyclopedias and libraries that would have been much more difficult. I did, however, want to come through on my promise to have a private from the Boxer Rebellion. Next time it will not be so easy!!!!

Ok my Captain !!! Here you go.


Vee ;)


No idea!

Neither do I, but not giving up! :bluejumper:

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