When Odds Were Even - Keith Bonn - Printable Version

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When Odds Were Even - Keith Bonn - Walt's Daughter - 02-17-2006

From my buddy John Fallon of the 36th CE:


Have you read When the Odds Were Even? by Keith Bonn? It is the story of the 7th Army in the final months of the 1944 campaign . It is not entirely about the 6th Corps but they are a big part of it. The author is probably an Infantry man and he concentrates on them which is understqandable but rarely mentions Engineers. This is typical of the grunts, they don't know how they got there.


There is only a tiny mention of the 540th , how one of their companies was attached to the Task Force Huddelston during the Geman counteroffensive. There is not much more of the 36th and when they were attached to the 45th Inf Div during the German counteroffensive. The 45th Div at that time had at least 7 Regiments of Infantry including the 70th Div Infantry which had just arrived without the rest of the troops. WE will have to accept that the whole story will never be told but I have just found out that there is a WD issue of the war in ETO called from the Riverera to the Rhine and I will look it up . That is if ever I get back to Avalon soon. I saw 3 doctors last week and will see 2 this week to see if this pile of humanity is worth saving.


But if you can check the books keep me informed. Best Regards



36 Engineers are rugged......John Fallon II. Capt. USA Ret.

When Odds Were Even - Keith Bonn - Walt's Daughter - 02-17-2006

No I have not read that one, but will add it to my list of books to purchase. Sounds right up my alley.


I do have the book, Riveria to the Rhine. Good book. Tons of great photos and well put together. I highly recommend that one.


Take care of yourself. I need to around for A LONG TIME.






Note to all: You can find Riviera to the Rhine on my BOOKS page.


Riviera to the Rhine - The European Theatre - US Army in WWII - Authors: Jeffrey J. Clarke and Robert Ross Smith - Publisher: The National Historical Society - The book covers the invasion of Southern France and examines the 6th Army Group, and the two armies under General Devers' leadership; the 7th Army led by General Alexander M. Patch and the French 1st Army under the leadership of General Jean de Lattre de Tassingny. - Received this book on August 24, 2004. From initial perusal I can tell that it has some of the finest maps I've seen in a long time, great photos and tons of detail. This book was recommended to me by Dick Fietz. He also recommended another book in the series, The Last Offensive.