
Full Version: Paying homage to Capt John Fallon - No Bridge Too Far
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The 36th Engineer Brigade was trying to make arrangements with Captain John Fallon 36 - WWII, so he could attend the ball this year, but John is unable to fly there. However, they have arranged for someone to come out to meet with John in NJ, and they are going to pay homage to him at their get together in Texas. Here's part of the correspondence. I was tickled when I read the following.



Mr. Fallon,

Thank you so very much for providing some remarks for the ball. We have two gifts for you that we would like to show to the collective group at the ball and then give to you sometime in early June.

We are making some modifications to the ball video replacing the footage from Saving Private Ryan with clips from Marion Chard's DVD on the 36th and 540th Combat Engineer Regiments from WWII.

Stay Rugged!


(Col Mark Quander - current commander of the unit and will be at our reunion again this fall) The DVD they are referring to is my documentary, No Bridge Too Far! What an honor for me too.