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Over the last couple of weeks, a gentleman named Marty Lee from Norway, has been in contact with me. Seems he has a real love for WWII "green" machines and is currently restoring another vehicle for his collection.


The really cool part of this, is that he is going to use my father's unit designations, VI Corps, 540th Combat Engineers. When he asked if that would be okay, you can imagine what my response was. Yes folks, of course I replied with a hearty OKAY!


So right now we are working on getting the correct numbering and lettering for the truck. This is going to be sweet and I can't wait to see actual photos of "OUR" truck. Dad would be delighted!


Here's his latest letter to me:


Hi again!


I thought I’d send you a photo of my 1942 Dodge with unit numbers as of today. These are the ones I’d like to change and make as of the 540th which was your dads company. Did it belong to the 5th or 7th army? That would be the first number on the fender. 540 would be the next one I guess followed by the star and then VI? I’m not quite sure of the last one. I’ll await your historian.


I’ll use these numbers on both trucks and the trailer I’m currently restoring. I really should tell you that the other truck belongs to my father, a man who is 62 and recently bought this truck. He was in the engineer corps in the Norwegian army in the late 60s, which might be my reason of interest. He too found it very interesting changing the unit numbers to the VI corps.


The other picture shows me and the two trucks. As you may see the other Dodge has a camouflage pattern, which will be painted in green.


You can check out more green cars at my old web sites:





Marty and two vehicles
