
Full Version: Maj O: Out and about (one last time)
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That's a beauty. Looks so serene. Ahhhh!


Well we are near the scene to help out in any way we can. We happened to be on the West side of Korea when it happened yesterday so we rushed down (as fast as I've ever seen the ship go) and got there a few hours later. By the time we got to the site, we were told they already had enough rescue aircraft around so we weren't needed. We are sticking around for the time being to see what we can do, if anything.

Wow, I must admit I hadn't even heard that. Didn't watch TV yesterday.



Here is a super-moto video about the exercise we just did. I looked at that and thought, "That's what we did? Wow, guess I didn't see any of that."


Anyway, I was trying to embed the video and found I didn't know how. What's the secret?


Lastly, I'm back on Terra Firma!! Last deployment with the MEU is now wrapped up! I'll post more pictures soon now that I am back in the land of the big data pipe.

Very cool. Lee and I just watched it together. At the end I said, "Yup, that's what Todd does!" :pdt12: Welcome back to Terra Firma!

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