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Can anyone out there tell me how many of the foreign countries The USA supplied during WWII have repaid us? I remember reading about this subject several years ago when it was reported that one country(France I believe)had finally paid of their WWII debt. It would seem to me a good time right now for those who have not to finally pay up. If I have mistakenly credited the wrong European country for repaying us my apologies to The UK. :woof:

Good question. Great Britain made their last payments for WWII debts to the US & Canada in December 2006, but it wasnt debts for Lend-Lease, it was money borrowed after the war for reconstruction totaling about $5.2 bil at aound 2% interest. One link i seen said Finnland paid off their WWII debt. but i havent found what other countries owe or have paid off. BTW, most of those other countries seemingly still havent paid off debts from WW I yet.