
Full Version: Guestbook Entry in Dutch
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Last night someone took the time to sign our guestbook, but unfortunately yours truly could not read it because it was not in English. So I sent an email to Stevin asking him if he might be able to transcribe it for me. Well he did one better than that. Here is his reply:


Hi Marion,


It is Dutch. This person asks if someone can help him to a Dutch book called "The Bloodflag of the O21". This is a Dutch book about the exploits of a Dutch submarine in the Second Waorld War. I know this book. I think I can get it for him. Bit strange that he is asking for it through your guestbook. Doesn't have anything to do with Combat Engineers....






Isn't that great? I think the person will be a happy camper. Thank you Stevin. ;)

Any new Dutch enrtys let me know . I speak Dutch . Belgium remember ... ;)

Thanks Reg, now I can count on you and Stevin as my Dutch linguists. :D