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Thanks Joe. We went on line and checked that link out. They seem to be sold out of a lot of rifles and ammo. I had to laugh about the army green spam cans. We had a lot of that around here when we were kids! My brothers say they still eat it. We also had k-rations. I remember the round crackers, and the 3 pieces of gum most. (of course the 3 lucky strikes and can't remember the other brands) we about died trying to smoke those!


Another question for you: my dad's favorite rifle was the 30-06 for moose hunting (no offense Moose of the dancing feet) Was the 30-06 a popluar hunting rifle to men of that time era due to the M1? It seemed that he used that rifle more then he did any other.


Thanks, Nancy

Come on up Marion, would love to have you visit us! I can just see you shooting that rifle. We would have to put a knap-sack on your back to balance the weight just so you can hold the rifle up!



That's a good visual Nan! :pdt12: Gee, maybe I shouldn't be dieting. Hmmmmm....

I know why it is so hard to find German items here in Europe ..... them American soldiers took the half of the German Army home as souvenirs!!! :armata_PDT_23::armata_PDT_01:


Near Camp Top Hat (Antwerp area), there used to be a big dump.

Even till recently, a lot of US items could be dug up (mess kits, dogtags, kitchen utensils, etc, etc).


In some old Belgian fortresses around Antwerp, people found stacks of US assault gas masks and German gas mask filters still sealed in their containers.



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