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I have my father's 1942 pocket "Military Missal"which he carried throughout

Africa, Italy, and France. It's well worn and clearly got much use during those years,

especially the section: "Mass In Time Of War"( Also the section "special prayers"). I thought it might be appropriate - especially during Holy Week - to reprint 2 of them here and

remember all our brave soldiers & their families (living & in Heaven).


PRAYER FOR SOLDIERS( St Sebastian was the "patron" of soldiers because he was a soldier in the Roman praetorian guard & ultimately executed when it was discovered that he was Christian):


St Sebastian, brave in battle and strong in faith, who gave an example of courage in fighting for your country and your God alike, through thy intercession help the soldiers who like youfight for the country they love. Help them, that it can be said of them, as it was said of you, "He was a good soldier." Make them strong and brave, ready to give their best for that cause for which their country fights. You were found perfect in the testimony that you bore of your faith in Jesus Christ. Grant that the same may be said of those who wear our country's uniform, that they too, strong in battle, may be strong in faith. Preserve them from wounds and dangers of battle and bring them safely home. Amen.




Grant, O Lord, to those homes from which have come our country's defenders, the peace which You alone can give. Make those homes strong to meet their trials, to overcome the pain of loss, to meet bravely whatever You have in store for them. Make them proud that they are giving their own to fight for what they think is right. Grant that all the graces that they stand in need of may be theirs, that they may serve as best within them lies. Make them see Thy good and gracious purpose working in all the trials which Thou wilt send upon them. Grant that whatever sacrifices you have in store for mothers and fathers, wives and sweethearts, sons and daughters, may be as well and bravely borne as Your Own Mother bore her loss at the foot of the Cross. Amen.

Beautiful. I'm sure those words were as comforting as they could be in such dire times. I had never seen the last prayer before.