
Full Version: A Little Dog Tag History
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The following info appeared in "Old Hickory News", the newsletter of the 30th Inf Div.


Dog tags evolved during WWII to 4 types:


Type I was used from December 1940 to November 1941


Type II was used from November 1941 to July 1943


Both bore the soldier's name, serial number(ASN), and next of kin's name and address.


Blood type and religious affiliation were added in the later months to type II


Type III was used from July 1943 to March 1944 and dropped the next of kin, and added blood type and date of tetanus shots


Type IV came into use in April 1944 and differed from the Type II in that one's surname was now listed first, followed by first name and middle initial

My dad's is a type II

My dad's is a type II


Mine wuz type II also, middle of '43 an O and a P wuz added.

My dad's says:


W Poniedzialek

36587138 T43


Ms M Poniedzialek

3580 28th St

Detroit, Mich


B (bloodtype)

C (Catholic)